Friday, March 16, 2007

Address!!! Only 4 weeks left!

My address for the first 10-12 weeks in Bulgaria is:

Krista Greiner , PCT
Zora Community Center
2 Nikolaevska Str., Floor 3

I would love letters and I'm really good at writing back! I will also have intermittent access to email.

I started the initial packing stuff last night. I made an excel spreadsheet of everything I'd like to take and which bag it will go in. I also paired all the different outfit combinations by letter and number. There are over 125 different pairings... obviously I went to Georgia Tech. Then I tried to put all the stuff in the bags... not as easy as making a spreadsheet. My backpack was completely full to overflowing with only half the stuff in it and my other bag had room to spare. My goal is to get most of the weight into the backpack and not touch it until I get settled in Bulgaria. I'm hoping that vacuum bags make a huge difference.
What am I trying to pack in these bags? Here's a list so far:
16 shirts
2 sweaters
2 dresses
3 skirts
3 pairs of pants
2 pairs of shorts
2 scarf sets
2 sets of workout clothes
2 pairs of long johns
1 sweatshirt
3 jackets
compact sleeping bag
fleece blanket
5 pairs of shoes
toiletries for 3 months
1 set of T-shirt sheets
6 books
assortment of my favorite teas
a photo album
2 chef's knives
assortment of Thai and Mexican cooking spices
That's all in 2 bags whose measurements can add up to no more that 105" and each bag can weigh no more that 50 lbs. Wish me luck! I'll let you know how it goes :-)


corie said...

what are the six books? just for curiositys sake?

Krista said...

The Bible, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintanace, Catch 22
Listening to Your Life, St. Martin's Handbook (as a teaching refereance), and a book of assorted Poetry (altough I'm thinking of ditching this one and taking Celebration of Discipline instead).