Saturday, August 18, 2007


For all you avid readers (or could I say fans?) of this blog I'm going to start a little all-in-fun competition of sorts. All the titles of my posts are going to be titles of short stories by the same author until someone guesses (by email or comment on the blog) that author. When a the author has been correctly identified I'll pick a new author and let you know who the old one was. Yes, it's quite dorky, but most of already know that I am, among many other things, a dork (or as I prefer to be called: a nerd).
The first author started with the previous post and will continue until someone guesses who it is. If no one guesses then I will probably become desperate, besides feeling that no one reads my blog, and start emailing my friends with tears in my eyes asking them to indulge me. This is really just for some literary fun! So have fun and guess away!


Livia said...

I sent you something, did you get it? I'm working at Delta and get free flights, let me know if you want a visitor!!!

I have no idea who the author is, but I wanted to let you know that I read regularly!

rocksalive777 said...

I guess "A Rose for Emily" would have been to obvious...

By the way, how old is the town you're in?

Anonymous said...

Hey - I've been reading - don't know who wrote it! Saw your Dad Saturday nite - at the shop. I took Danielle, her ' date ' and a couple of her friends. They had a good time, and I got to catch up. I hear your cat's outside now - sorry he's gotten a little crazy!

Take Care! Kim