Monday, April 23, 2007

I'm in Bulgaria!

As Jeff stares over my shoulder I write this to tell everyone that I'm safe, I have a new apartment and a host mom to go with it, I have 40 new friends, and that I can say basic phrases in Bulgarian. I don't have long; we just got done eating at Ben's house and we have to go back for more language and training stuff. I'm in a small mining village between Sofia and Dupnitsa. It's beautiful and all the people know each other even though there are about 6 or 7,000 people here. There are 3 other volunteers in the village with me: Josh (from Columbus), Ben, and Jeff. Yes, back to the Tech ratio. I don't mind that a bit. I miss you all and I hope that you're doing well. Send me emails and mail! I'd love to hear from you. I have pretty good access to the internet, so I should be able to check and write back weekly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm a student from the u.s. who will be working for an NGO in sofia from mid-May to mid-June. i'm trying to get in contact with whoever runs the peace corps in bulgaria to see if i might be able to arrange temporary housing (and meet some folks, of course, since i'll know no one). would you mind emailing me his or her contact info so i can email or call (email would be better b/c of the time dif). my email address is luke.palder [at]

thank you!

- luke